Sunday, March 18, 2007


Bonjour.....bukan banjor. Hujung minggu ni aku perasan berada di Paris. OK la, kalau jalan2 nak makan roti, atau nak tengok puak2 Napoleon Bonaparte yg perasan.
awek2 kurun ke 16 ....
nampak cam seram pulak..
dari tirai kamar
pagi yg hening

petunia..hos pembiakan virus cili
pohon conifer byk di tepi jalan....... au revoir

Monday, March 12, 2007

Come what may

I cant remember how many times I 've been congratulated in life. The first ever 'congratulation' I got was from my late 'opahcik' when I was 12 yrs old. She uttered the word Tahniah to me when I got the offer to study in one of the prestigious residential schools in the country. This opahcik was org bandar, uptodate and quite a classy granny though..... I'm sorry for her, I wasnt up to the standard since I didnt end up with flying colors, instead having to cope with all kinds of miseries these days.

The most recent congratulation I got was from Pakyob while on our way to the mosque last Friday prayer .. It was a 'congratulation in advance' actually, for something I never dream of, a promotion...haha. Promotion?..mmm...Not sure whether I'm under or over qualified ..coz my application submitted thru my superior weeks ago for recommendations, left untouched and the closing date is due soon. I'm not sure i'll be called for the borak-borak session.

Unlike pak yob, I still havent got that socalled 'special increment' yet which I have already put my hope down the drain for that..
when there are sacrifices, there are lot of things left unkempt..

neglected...once eden now jungle...

Well, eventhough all my efforts and sacrifices have not been appreciated, I always remind myself not to be disapointed, frustrated, downhearted, whatsoever. Imanuel Kannt a german philosopher once said : 'the drama of this life is not complete, there must be a second scene to it, for we see the tyrant and his victims without seeing justice being executed. We see the conqueror and the subjugated, without the latter finding any revenge. Therefore there must be another world, where justice will be carried out.'

So, if I were to choose between having status in society with plentiful money and having a happy, radiant smiling self., I would choose the latter. For what is great wealth if it begets misery? What is high position if it comes with constant gloominess. It's always lonely at the top actually...kinda sour grape huh.

For whatever negative outcomes coming my way plus work piles up...I would avoid the feeling of being depressed or overly stressed. I have to repel boredom by doing more works. Come more works please and I will smile to the world and be kind to others eventhough they're inconsiderate, heartless, ruthless whatever.
Yeah, be kind to others so that comfort comes to your heart.

To me, life has to go on and I must accept it as it is. I must contemplate and thankful for everything I have. When I feel down, I would tell myself to look at those less fortunate ppl around. To me and my less fortunate friends, there's nothing to be sad of, coz this is not the only life. But, are we well prepared for the next life?

Nota kaki: Once in awhile I would post in english as my command in the language is getting hancus and hancusss if it's seldom other words I'm getting dumber and dumber...mmm.. nak wat camno...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Le Blasson

syikin...a short-haired, slim, quite an attractive humanbeing. I met her once and I was really impressed with her warmth plus clever conversation she shared with me... from certain angles she's a lil funny..and looks cute too. With her as company I wouldnt mind having expensive supper at Le Blasson.

azarina...though I've talked to her a couple of times, I never met this konon baguss person,. but to sum up..I would never wish to meet this very unprofessional human being...she's already ugly in my head....with her around I would surely feel like throwing up..and Le Blasson's certainly not in my list.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Buat seorang guru

Miskipun pemerkosa cum pembunuh dijatuhkan hukuman sampai mati, tiada apa yg dapat mengembalikan anaknya ke dunia ini...tiada apa yang menggembirakan,...there's nothing to celebrate actually..spt katanya.
Lama tak mendengar beritanya, cuma setahun dua kebelakangan ini wajahnya terpampang di media massa, lantas membangkitkan detik-detik nostalgis di zaman lampauku. Simpati tidak terhingga buat seorang guru yg telah mendidikku dengan penuh dedikasi, komitmen, kebaikan dan kelembutannya,...

Dia cikgu Matematik ku dari Tingkatan 1 hingga Tingkatan 3...Aku masih ingat, semasa aku sdg asyik melihat keputusan exam SRP ku di papan kenyataan sekolah....aku dikejutkan oleh satu suara betul2 dari belakangku.."Hey congratulations.. you got it! ". Bila aku toleh rupanya dia. Beliau sgt gembira masa tu krn ramai anakmuridnya mendapat A1 dlm subjeknya termasuklah aku...Bila ting 4 dan 5 beliau tak mengajarku lagi..dan masa SPM aku tak dapat A1 lagi dlm matematik, cuma cukup makan shj.
Beliau seorang guru yang sangat baik, lemahlembut dan berperawakan menarik. Kini aku sgt bersimpati dgnnya.
My deepest condolence to Mrs Pearly Ong.... semoga beliau tabah menghadapi kehidupan ini.

edited on : 11 March 2007