Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Being creative

When Nadzri (Mcbudu) hurriedly made a move at Mddiah's place that day to send his kids off to the Art Class, it came to my mind, waa..this daddy really has a vision!.. Dr M, when he was in premiership used to say Malaysians are less creative people..Why? an Australian leader also used to say he would rather have a creative citizen over a clever one. Why? You ought to figure it out yourself. But all I can say, in this great big phantasmagorical world, creative ppl rules...they are survivors.
As for me, the pinnacle of my passion for art was somewhere in early 90s which was more into paintings. Be it oil, watercolor, acrylics, gouche, pastel or pencil, I value them all. In those days I could spend hours loitering around the Central Market during weekends to just watching artists like Ajees, Dino, Suria etc putting ideas and talents onto their canvases. I didnt mind taking a walk to the National Art Gallery or the Petronas Gallery just by myself to view the paintings or art exhibitions at those places. And I never felt exhausted strolling along the Petaling Street just to look for art materials in a few well known shops such as Nanyang etc. Eventhough I had no talent in painting, I was always willing to part with my money in hi quality art materials like rembrants, windsor and newton, talons,rowney georgian, etc. Mind you..those items are common among the established artists or the pros. Some of those stuff are still there in my safekeeping. I guess they're still useable, in case there are friends who want them for their kids, just let me know. I dont have much time to pursue this passion since life is quite hectic these days especially.
One thing I regret about my childhood days was that I'd never been exposed to the works of those great masters be it local or foreign. I never knew Hossein Anas, Jaafar Taib, etc. not to mention Winslow Homer, Monet, Renoire,or even Van Gogh. In secondary days, I was in science stream and art was a subject unheard of. Once again, kudos to my buddy Nadzri (Mcbudu) and hassan (nice gentleman) for having the courage giving a chance to their kids indulging themselves in the world of arts. Believe me, these kids would become more creative compared to those who never get the chance. Some parents would rather subscribe to RM89 pay TV, and let their small kids watching cartoon network day and night than paying for the kids' art class fees. I'm sorry for the kids.
As for me, one of the greatest obstacles in pursuing my passion in arts is that I'm color-blind....that's it...

'A masterpiece of a color-blind artist'

Monday, December 26, 2005

Masih Di sini II

Laluan Sutera.....kdg2 aku lebih suka melalui jalan ini dengan membayar toll RM1, tapi agak selesa. Taman Bukit berhampiran, .......

Sunday, December 25, 2005

The road to a friend's home is never long

Dec 24th,.. I've been invited by Mddiah for a lunch at his house in Rawang Perdana. I got the invitation via phone call and a couple of sms. I never had the heart to disapoint a nice cool friend like him. I knew he really meant it...
As I reached the Rawang toll, I got a call from nadzri (budakbudu) informing me he was about to reach mddiah's house. Unfortunately he couldnt afford to guide me in details becos he's too quite an alien to the area. Feeling lost in Rawang, a small bustling town, I stopped at McD to call nadzri who later passed the call to Mddiah for the directions. Mddiah told me to wait because he would come and get me from there. I never meant to bother him, just the directions would do. So kind of him, I just couldnt resist it... he came and escorted me all the way to his home. Feeling like a VIP, ... I was so touched.
heavy traffic on the way to mddiah's
At Mdddiah's place Nadzri (budakbudu) and Adnan were already there soothing themselves at the corner of the lovely manicured garden enjoying the beats of quarry blasting nearby, while their families were inside. Nadzri said they were just waiting for my arrival to officiate the launching of mddiah's Nasi Beriani Gam,.. Timing was perfect then, since from the morning I didnt eat anything, just a cup of nescafe to kick start my day.... It was fun to have a get together once in awhile. We chatted, we laughed....(yes, in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed). We talked about anything, the present, the past and the future... We helped each other recalled stories and names.. though there are some memories still intact in each other's mind and unintentionally certain names like Laily Sofia, Sherry etc cropped up in the conversation, ,..they were personalities of our time. Sadly, these ppl never knew of our existence back then.
The nasi beriani was so and Nadzri did a few top ups.... I feel glad for being part of this get together which I enjoyed it so much and looking forward for another. I didnt snap pics since I forgot my cam in the car. Thanks Mddiah and Norita for the warm reception. May happiness and prosperity be with you and family always.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Little Nightmare

Last Saturday, Dec 17th., I was at the Alamanda looking for some goods that are not readily available in Kajang. After getting those stuffs, I walked around, had a drink at RASA, and then after an hour when nothing else to look for, I decided to go home. I paid my parking ticket at one of the machines before I headed to Level P5 parking lots. Then I slowly walked to the spot where my car was parked..lot 48 I recalled. To my surprise the car wasn't there.. I looked and looked around. I began to become panic and more panic. I tried hard to remain composed, but I couldnt. I was in the shocking state...and I just didnt believe I had to face this kinda mishap that really sent shivers down my spine and moments that really took my breath away. Losing a car can be a real tragedy with some troublesomes you have to endure in days or even years to come. I pray not to go through all these. Again, I searched and searched every nook and cranny of that P5 level but to no avail... though there were not many cars on that level that afternoon.
At last I began to feel tired, losing hopes, frustrated, dumbfounded, and regrets. With all those mixed feelings I had to force my mind to accept the facts that I've lost my babe.. I then decided to make a report to security official before further steps to be taken. So I entered the mall again and as I tried to make a call to a friend about this tragedy, I passed the entrance,.. entrance of P5 Selatan .....P5 Selatan ? *?#?
But then, I just felt like I'd woke up from a eyes opened wide, I looked things around me carefully,...Ohh no, sh*t... I was at the wrong side of the mall !! My car was actually parked at level P5 Utara...... which is at the opposite side and quite a distance from P5 Selatan but they are almost the same in layout. I then rushed to the P5 Utara...THANK GOD.....that dark blue so-called korean beauty (as budakbudu called it) was still there standing calm and stylishly....Darn u.....
Though you're not a Ferrari, Porsche or even a Jag...I just cant imagine of losing u.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Fanatik pada yg fantastik

Click the pic to read
Ntah mana aku letak folder sijil2 sekolah aku...aku harap semua tak hilang, mungkin ada kat opis. Kalo hilang, tandanya aku takkan gatai tangan lagi apply apa2 benda promotion in future.. Yang ada cuma folder lama. Masa belek2 folder lama warna oren tu, terjumpa satu keratan akhbar lama ...he he, satu coretan masa aku tgh rajin dan fanatik mengikuti perkembangan bolasepak tanahair suatu ketika dulu.
Dulu tahun 89 dan awal 90an aku agak fasih dan tak gagap bila berbicara pasal senario bolasepak semi-pro era tu, masa tu sebut jer pemain mana.. aku kenal, termasuk pemain2 simpanan. Rajin sungguh aku, sampai dua kali aku hantar komen dlm paper Utusan..tapi pakai nick Pemerhati Bebas. Pastu pernah sekali call NST , teka dan komen sikit pasukan mana akan menang final Piala Malaysia tahun tu, terpampang nama aku, masa tu nama betul.. macam bagus je....hehe. Kalau aku minat dgn hobi tu sanggup buat apa yg mampu..kalau study tak mau plak camtu..Masa tu aku pun ada t-shirt, cap, muffler.....selalu beli majalah2 pantang ada citer Yop atau team yg sensasi cam Singapura etc...
Mmg fanatik sikit aku dgn bola semi-pro masa tu...ramai star2 pulak tu,...Azizol Abu Hanifah, Abas Saad, Alan Davidson, Fandi Ahmad adalah antara bintang yg aku kagum ...dan pasukan yg buat aku jadi 'kipas susah mati' masa tu ialah pasukan Kejor Yop Kejor, sama cam mr. clarias..hehe.. Masa tu kalo pasukan Yop main kat KL atau Paroi... aku sedaya-upaya pergi..member2 yg aku ajak tu negeri mereka kurang menyerlah zaman tu cam Melaka dsbnya tapi minat bola, dan aku suruh mrk sokong Yop baru aku belanja..kalau tidak sorry. Nengok kat stadium ni lebih thrill, dan lebih adrenalin rushnya. Lagi satu kalau Yop menang, happy sungguh masa balik tu sampai susah pulak aku nak tidor...esok atau hari Isninnya pulak murah hati belanja member2 minum pagi pukul 10 utk meraikannya. Itu kalau menang, kalau Yop kalah siap ler utk menyorok, tak turun minum seminggu. Sbb masa tu mmg hebat sgt gaduh kutuk mengutuk pasal bola ni..antara seteru utama pasukan Yop kat tempat kerja masa tu ialah penyokong selangor, terengganu ...huh.. kutukan mereka begitu pedih, sinis dan berbisa..
Tapi sejak gejala jual permainan, bookie etc, dan star2 yg aku minat tu terlibat dan kena buang daerah dsbnya...aku dah tak fanatik lagi...walaupun entah bila2 sesekali member ajak tgk final melibatkan team Yop aku pun contact member kampong utk dptkan bbrp tiket free. Ada sekali tu aku dpt 4 tiket dan 4 t-shirt free, sorang member aku org melaka pulak yg lebih excited nak pergi utk rasmikan kereta barunya yg baru keluar hari tu ke bukit jalil..tapi malang, masa balik tgk kereta baru dia kena calar, tak pasal-pasal...
Skang aku dah tak tau satu abok pun ttg citer bolasepak tanahair ni...tak kenai pun saper pemain2, pegawai2....yg aku kenai dan yg masih ada...Raja Ahmad Zainuddin yg aku puji melambung2 dlm komen akhbar kat atas tu. Mungkin jugak sikit sebanyak komen2 aku tu membuka luas mata org pada dia...he he..dalam dunia ini byk yg berkemungkinan..
p/s: dlm komen paper tu aku terkutuk pahang budakbudu, I really owe u an apology.....he he..

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Masih di sini

"Kajang pak malau kajang berlipat, kajang hamba mengkuang layu, dagang pak malau dagang bertempat, dagang hamba menumpang lalu"
Tak sangka aku boleh berada di sini. Kajang sebuah pekan yg padat..jalan-jalannya tak semegah segitiga emas apatah lagi orchard road di singapura tu, tapi ia tetap menarik pengunjung kerana sate nya. Waktu aku mula-mula di sini, bau sate semerbak di pekan kecil ini...mungkin di masa tu aku tak biasa lagi. Sekarang aku dah immune, tak terhidu sgt dah..atau mungkin juga sate2 dah dilonggokkan di medan sate yg jauh sikit dari pusat pekan, sekarang kat sebelah stadium tu...tapi ada juga bbrp kedai kat tempat lama.
Miskipun aku dah jadi orang pekan ini, aku boleh dikira berapa kali setahun aku makan sate. Kalo ada sedara-mara datang, baru le aku beli sate, tu pun bungkus...sekali2 tu ntah apa giler ada jugak aku pi makan sate kat medan sate tu...Tapi aku lebih nostalgia sate di kampongku di teluk ensen dan kuahnya juga lebih sedap...
Disebabkan Kajang ramai orang dan padat dgn premis2 perniagaan, kerja ubahsuai camanapun ia tetap kecil dan menyesakkan. Ntah brp kali tah jalan dan lorong bertukar-tukar arah semata2 nak mengurangkan traffic jam..tapi tetap camtu jugak. Skang dgn membangunnya Bandar Baru Bangi dgn premis2 perniagaan dan pasaraya2 membeli belah dibina di kawasan agak berjarak dari pusat pekan spt Giant, Tesco, Bintang (dekat rumah Mr Clarias) maka makhluk2 pun tak mengerumuni pekan kecil tapi sesak ni. Dan mujur sekarang dah ada lebuhraya sutera (silk highway), seremban-semenyih bypass,.. kalo tak buat camtu boleh lemas pakcik.

Di atas bukit inilah suatu ketika dulu aku pernah jogging, masa tu ..ramai org joging atau ambik angin petang tengok sekeliling kajang. Sekarang aku dah tak jogging lagi..

Masa aku jogging dulu, terdapat tapak yg lapang dan luas kat atas puncak bukit mewah ni...ramai org lepak2. Pehtu tak boleh lepak lagi sbb kondo ni dibina. Mmg seronok saper yg duduk kondo ni... terletak kat puncak paling tinggi kat kajang, pergi pekan jalan kaki jer.. harganya dulu dlm RM110K, kira murah sbb masa tu tgh heboh tragedi highland tower tahun 93. skang harga berlipat ganda pulak dah..300K, kalo penthouse boleh cecah 500K. Aku suka tengok condo ni..Lokasi cantik, boleh tgk kwsn from bird's eye view...KLCC twin tower pun clear, genting highland cam dekat jer..masa dulu mana reti nak invest benda2 property ni..

Banyak nak citer...esok mai lain la..

Kajang ekomuniti

Thursday, December 15, 2005

At least something

Remember my post on 8 Oct this year , more than two months ago? Now the flowers have already transformed into fruits. It's only five...nevertherless it's quite good for a bad planter like me. Anyway, till now I keep on wondering what variety this fruit belongs to. Chokanan?...nayyy...since the texture of the flesh is somewhat fibrous, and crisp....the skin's a lil thicker than chokanan's. When ripe, the unpeeled fruit gives a distinctive resinous sweet smell. Color of the flesh is deep yellow to orenji..(apologize for my colorblindness) and it tastes as sweet as honey.

I bought the seedling in August 1999 at Stadium Bukit Jalil when I was on duty as an exhibitor (hehe sounds funny, LOL) at AGEX 99. The label on the seedling bag was of Malgoa's variety thus I inclined to believe it due to the appearance of the leaves and it was the reason I bought it. Then I realized I was a dupe of my own ignorance...looks can be deceiving. Anyway, I like this fruit whatever it is. I like it better than apples, peaches or even Kuala Pilah's dragon fruits but eating it quite messy, unless you care to remove the skin with patience and passion...attributes I'm lacking of. One of my colleagues also bought one for his home. His plant grew so vigourously and became mabuk daun even disrupting the power lines near his house, but still bearing no fruit at all not even any sign of flowering..whereas mine have been fruiting twice. So, early this year the poor guy chopped down the tree..I feel sorry for him.. and the plant too.

Hehehe I still found this nametag hanging on my wall...I never meant to keep it, but at least it reminds me of something about the past.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Tak de ape nak diblog, ceriter sikit pasal CD si Ebiet GAde.
Bila aku tau zali berada di Medan, aku hantar mesej kpdnya minta beli CD EbietGAde, ...sbb di KL payah nak jumpa. Dia jawab 'OK tuan'....teringat zaman aku berkerja di Paloh Hinai dan Caruk Puting dulu, di sana aku dipanggil 'tuan'...he he.. Bila zali balik, rupanya dia beli dua CD,..aku tanya brp puluh ribu harganya..dia kata lebihkurang 40 ribu satu, kalau aku nak bayar, bayar RM40 ribu..kalau tidak, FOC je...mudahan dia murah rezeki.
Kenal siapa dia Ebiet G Ade?
Dia seorang penyanyi lagu-lagu puisi dari Indonesia
Tidak ada penyanyi lain yang setanding dengannya
Dia mencipta lagu, menulis lirik dan menyanyikannya sendiri
Dia tidak pernah menyanyikan lagu orang lain.
Satu hal yang menarik tentang Ebiet
Ebiet tidak pernah menyanyi sambil berdiri, kerana dia merasa kekok berbuat demikian
Dia lebih senang menyanyi sambil duduk dan memetik gitarnya.

Byk lagu2 ebiet yg aku suka spt Camelia I, II, III, IV.., Menjaring Matahari, Elegi Esok Pagi, Berita Kepada Kawan, Rembulan Menangis, Titip Rindu Buat Ayah, etc.... Lagu2 Ebiet banyak yg menyedarkan kita ttg kehidupan, kematian seterusnya mengingatkan kita kepada Yang Maha Esa.

Menjaring Matahari
Kabut, sengajakah engkau mewakili fikiranku. Pekat, hitam berarak menyelimuti matahari. Aku dan semua yang ada di sekelilingku merangkak menggapai dalam gelap. Mendung, benarkah petanda akan segera turun hujan. Deras, agar semua basah yang ada di muka bumi, siramilah juga jiwa kami semua yang tengah dirundung kegalauan... Roda zaman menggilas kita, terseret tertatih-tatih. Sumbu hidup terus diburu, berpacu dengan waktu. Tak ada yang dapat menolong, selain yang di sana... Tak ada yang dapat membantu, selain yang di sana.. Dialah Tuhan..............
Camelia IV
Batu hitam diatas tanah merah Disini akan kutumpahkan rindu Kugenggam lalu kutaburkan kembang Berlutut dan berdoa Syurgalah ditanganmu, Tuhanlah disisimu Kematian hanyalah tidur panjang Maka mimpi indahlah engkau Camellia

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hujung minggu di selatan

Jumaat 2 Dec 2005 - aku ke Johore mengunjungi rumah abangku Sofian di Pasir Gudang. Anak buahku dgn myvi barunya ajak berkonvoi ke sana, disebabkan inilah masa paling sesuai maka aku pun ambil cuti. Seingat aku, ini adalah kali ke enam aku mengunjungi Johore Baru...pertama kali dalam tahun 80an selepas praktikal di Kota Bahagia aku mengambil bas dari Segamat dan abgku menunggu di stesen bas JB. Masa tu abangku duduk rumah sewa bersama rakan-rakannya. Di waktu itu juga dia tgh asyik cintan-cintun dgn makwenya (kakak iparku sekarang..wakaka) Jadi percutianku waktu itu terpaksa dilayan oleh kawan-kawan rumahnya, all johorean javaneses....setengah pendapat mengatakan org jawa johore are the most friendliest people, dan berdasarkan pengalaman seminggu bersama mereka aku mmg bersetuju dgn kenyataan tersebut... Masa abgku tgh sibuk bercinta tu, kawan2 dialah yg entertain bawak aku pergi ronda2 JB, makan2 dan tengok wayang. Semua diorang support. Wayang yg aku tonton bersama diorang....the poltergeist ... citer seram.
Tapi kedatangan kali ni ..dua puluh tahun kemudian, aku tak ronda2 JB..padaku JB tak jauh beza dari bandar lain..
So, sabtu 3 Dec 2005: Aku ambil kesempatan ke seberang tambak, sekadar jalan2. Aku cuma mintak sofian tumpangkan aku ke terminal bas Larkin dan aku ambik bas ke Queen Street. RM2.40 tambang pergi (tambang balik SD2.40)…sama figure tapi nilai yg berbeza. Xchange rate time hari tu SD100>>>RM222.
Sampai di Queen Street aku jln2 sebentar di sekitar Rochor centre dan Arab Street ….arab street ni kalau nak shopping kain boleh melayu byk shopping sini..cakap je kain apa...sutera , ..shantung..shantung shaluna?.. byk yg latest...pak arab pakistan tu yg cakap.
Dari Arab Street aku naik bas double-decker no. 7, bas ni pergi ke Bedok tapi aku turun di Orchard Road… Kalau nak shopping yg agak class dtg le ke orchard road…banyak malls yg besar2 kat sini..antara larat dgn tidak jer nak jalan…Aku tgk kawasan ini dah mula dihias utk Christmas…aku cuma masuk Paragon, Tangs dan Takasyimaya…takasyimaya ni selain dari level-level yg di atas, ada bbrp level lagi di bawah tanah.....aku bayangkan kat kawasan tu di bawah tanahnya cam sarang semut gamaknya...dgn laluan dan station2 MRT, underpass, shopping mall... oh ya kalau kita nak menyeberang guna underpass je, tak payah nak tunggu traffic light kat atas tu..
Sbb takde ape nak cari, dan tak suka pengaliran wang mencurah-curah ke negara luar aku tak shopping dlm ertikata sebenarnya...sekadar beli baju sale…SD15 sehelai, beli dua aku beli dua.harga normal SD59 sehelai…murah je taste aku ni…
Dari Orchard Road aku naik MRT utk ke Bugis Street..MRT adalah transportation yg paling convenience..cepat dan tepat. Ada bbrp station yg aku lalui Sommerset, Dhoby Ghaut, City Hall..dari City Hall aku ambik train Marina Bay dan singgah di Bugis ....jalan2 sekejap di Bugis Junction. Gamaknya suatu ketika dulu, mungkin ramai org bugis kat sini...Agak happening jugak kawasan ini..
Dari Queen Street aku ambik bas Causeway Link utk pulang ke JB….di JB aku tak pusing pun sekadar singgah minum je..aku tak teruja dgn bandaraya ni, especially kat plaza angsana tu, punya le byk budak-budak melayu lepak2, yg pompuan pun ramai hisap rokok…so aku tak ada apa nak citer pasal JB ni..cuma sekadar kata2 ...
Tanjung Puteri..
di mana menghilang
hembusan syahdu angin Selat Teberau
di sisi pusara si Bongkok terkuburkah rindu?
Tanjung Puteri..
rebakkah sudah pantai Lido?
palsukah mesra Danga Bay yang keliru
selamat tinggal Tanjung Puteri
panjang umur berjumpa lagi....