Dear Pak Lah
I don't know what's like to lose someone under the circumstances that you have. But whenever someone you love is gone, there's an empty spot in our lives. I can imagine that you're hurting just like all of us who knew her. All of us who knew her, could tell that she loved you very much.
Takziah buat Pak Lah dan Keluarga. Kami amat sedih dan terharu dengan pemergian Allahyarham. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. AlFatihah.
Kepada Pak Lah, semoga Allah berikan kekuatan dan kesabaran untuk menempuh hari-hari mendatang. Kami tetap bersama mu.
lama tak update blog...berkabung lagi ke? cam blog jeffry ooi, sebagai tanda berkabung, takda entri baru dalam blog dia.
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