Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bon Voyage

There were times when I was looking for her, one of my colleagues would warn me..jangan dicariiiii... but to me she was one of the bosses I'd love to work with. Garang, strict but quite funny some time. To me she's just like emak yg garang whose children are always scared of. That's Mak Esah who loved to bite big apple fuji at work. Sometimes when she put down the apple, I'd gave the fruit a glance, it looks like it had been bitten by a naughty squirrel.
I have the experience of working with different kind of bosses through out my working life. Well.. great bosses are hard to find..they are rare species.... I've been with Mak Esah for the past 14 months and if I were given the chance to carry out an upward appraisal upon her performance, I would surely give her good ratings. She's committed in her works and very cooperative kind. I guess she never got mad with me was due to the fact that I didnt give her headaches. Mak Esah has a passion for IT stuffs, always love exploring or attending such trainings. She also own a PDA, digicam and laptop, at least to keep herself updated in IT world.
Now, Mak Esah is leaving.. the time has come for her retirement, 56 years old but still going strong. I wish her all the bests in her future undertakings. Semoga beliau menjadi seorang usahawanita yg berjaya, gembira dan sejahtera.


Anonymous said...

terliur bile teringat apple Fuji mak esah...rindu pulak rasanya bile dia dah tak ade..tak de lagi kedengaran kerakusan bunyi kerangupan epal Fuji di Jab. Bendahari ni...well, life must go on!!!!!!

Harith Faruqi Sidek said...

no more secreto de amor...he..he..

McBudu said...

Sing her Aud Lang Syne or The Big apple song (if you are not sure log to: http://www.barrypopik.com/The_Big_Apple_Dorsey_Wright_Emmerich_mono.mp3

indica said...

Sayu jugak bila dengar Aud Lang Syne..
tapi lagu Big Apple tu lagi menyentuh perasaan....

McBudu said...

Lagu Big apple tu aku nyanyi masa praktikal dekat Ladang Kamuning, Sg siput dgn Hanif, time christmas.

indica said...

Masa tu hanif dgn ko nyanyi sama geng2 le yer...
mesti nostalgia giler bila dengar lagu ni... he he

Harith Faruqi Sidek said...

ada satu lagi lagu yang patut ko dengar...lagu "Trajedi Buah Epal" by Anita Sarawak....he.he..