Saturday, I have the time to observe things around me. Things that I used to neglect and just couldn't be bothered for a long time. Leaving for work around 7 in the morning fog and reaching home almost 7 in the evening haze, surely I do miss a lot of things. This woody and thorny bougainvillae for instance, in a few occasions it scratched my shoulder and sometimes almost ripped my expensive shirt as I walked near it. Seems like it yearns for my long lost tender and loving care. Once upon a time, it was one of well-groomed topiaries I ever had (perhaps Edward Scissorhand was around then..hehe). Sadly, it's now back in its wildest nature ...resembles its ancestors that were discovered by a French military officer, Louis Antoine de Bougainville in Brazil in 1768.
Now before the wild bougainvillae in my wild garden becomes a subject of conversation among the makciks and aci in my neighbourhood, I think it deserves some drastic prunnings. It's just nice as Hari Raya is approaching.

Like the Bougainvillae that had been longing for my attentions, the mango plant that used to flowering profusely in the past, only managed to bear a tiny stalk of flowers this time around. Something I can easily figure out the problems it's facing... it lacks nutrients. For now I have to be contented with that tiny stalk of flowers, but still there's no guarantee that they may turn into fruits like before. Let's see when the time comes.
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