Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Akibat percaya

Aku baru citer kan?...
Nasib baik aku tak percaya langsung, tapi ada jugak orang yg percaya spams tu ... klik sini


Anonymous said...

yang bertaraf doktor pun boleh tertipu ye...

McBudu said...

Today's schemes are often considerably more sophisticated than before (though the underlying formula is often quite similar), but the idea behind every scheme is to exploit the basic human trait of greed. When greed rules, rational no longer relevant!

indica said...

begitu ler citer nye cik timoh...

indica said...


you're damn right!! some people always greedy, never got enuff..

Harith Faruqi Sidek said...

ape nak diherankan yob...bak kate oghang tue2...lagi besor periuk, lagi banyak le keraknya...dak gitu.