Thursday, September 15, 2005

Aku, road tax dan insuran

Bulan ni insuran+ roadtax akau tamat tempoh. Ntah mengapa macam-macam pulak aku beli bulan ini. Terpaksa ler aku fork out camana pun, korek-korek mana yang boleh. Ccard? i try to avoid's just another burden.

Kdg-kdg kita tak sedar tindaktanduk kita rupanya ada yg mempunyai elemen pembaziran. For instance, why should I replace the Getz stock HU..afterall the new HU is no better than the old one. It's only a low end of a branded product. Am I a branded kinda person? Uhh..dont think so..

On the other side, some people say, life is too short.

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