Thursday, December 15, 2005

At least something

Remember my post on 8 Oct this year , more than two months ago? Now the flowers have already transformed into fruits. It's only five...nevertherless it's quite good for a bad planter like me. Anyway, till now I keep on wondering what variety this fruit belongs to. Chokanan?...nayyy...since the texture of the flesh is somewhat fibrous, and crisp....the skin's a lil thicker than chokanan's. When ripe, the unpeeled fruit gives a distinctive resinous sweet smell. Color of the flesh is deep yellow to orenji..(apologize for my colorblindness) and it tastes as sweet as honey.

I bought the seedling in August 1999 at Stadium Bukit Jalil when I was on duty as an exhibitor (hehe sounds funny, LOL) at AGEX 99. The label on the seedling bag was of Malgoa's variety thus I inclined to believe it due to the appearance of the leaves and it was the reason I bought it. Then I realized I was a dupe of my own ignorance...looks can be deceiving. Anyway, I like this fruit whatever it is. I like it better than apples, peaches or even Kuala Pilah's dragon fruits but eating it quite messy, unless you care to remove the skin with patience and passion...attributes I'm lacking of. One of my colleagues also bought one for his home. His plant grew so vigourously and became mabuk daun even disrupting the power lines near his house, but still bearing no fruit at all not even any sign of flowering..whereas mine have been fruiting twice. So, early this year the poor guy chopped down the tree..I feel sorry for him.. and the plant too.

Hehehe I still found this nametag hanging on my wall...I never meant to keep it, but at least it reminds me of something about the past.


Harith Faruqi Sidek said...

tengok ko cite bab2 pertanian ni teringat aku kat satu rancangan tv dulu tajuk "Halaman Pertanian" ko penah tengok tak?

indica said...

Rasa cam pernah tengok je rancangan tu..tapi tak menarik, biasa je...patut aku jadi penerbitnya, tentu rating high cam akademi fantasia..siap artis undangan siti lijah lagi..

McBudu said...

Your Mango is Maha65, I can tell from the flower, leaf, stalk and the fruit of course. Just flip to page 123 of the same book from which the Mangifera Spa profile picture come from. he he...

indica said...

wow.. still got that identification skill huh ! did u get 4 flat for that subject..I forgot what I got, lemme check first...