Last Saturday, Dec 17th., I was at the Alamanda looking for some goods that are not readily available in Kajang. After getting those stuffs, I walked around, had a drink at RASA, and then after an hour when nothing else to look for, I decided to go home. I paid my parking ticket at one of the machines before I headed to Level P5 parking lots. Then I slowly walked to the spot where my car was parked..lot 48 I recalled. To my surprise the car wasn't there.. I looked and looked around. I began to become panic and more panic. I tried hard to remain composed, but I couldnt. I was in the shocking state...and I just didnt believe I had to face this kinda mishap that really sent shivers down my spine and moments that really took my breath away. Losing a car can be a real tragedy with some troublesomes you have to endure in days or even years to come. I pray not to go through all these. Again, I searched and searched every nook and cranny of that P5 level but to no avail... though there were not many cars on that level that afternoon.
At last I began to feel tired, losing hopes, frustrated, dumbfounded, and regrets. With all those mixed feelings I had to force my mind to accept the facts that I've lost my babe.. I then decided to make a report to security official before further steps to be taken. So I entered the mall again and as I tried to make a call to a friend about this tragedy, I passed the entrance,.. entrance of P5 Selatan .....P5 Selatan ? *?#?
But then, I just felt like I'd woke up from a dream....my eyes opened wide, I looked things around me carefully,...Ohh no, sh*t... I was at the wrong side of the mall !! My car was actually parked at level P5 Utara...... which is at the opposite side and quite a distance from P5 Selatan but they are almost the same in layout. I then rushed to the P5 Utara...THANK GOD.....that dark blue so-called korean beauty (as budakbudu called it) was still there standing calm and stylishly....Darn u.....
Though you're not a Ferrari, Porsche or even a Jag...I just cant imagine of losing u.
Our memory can play trick on us.That is why I said I can't rely on my memory.It is better to keep a note some where.
My car is not a Jag,but it is mine that I love to drive.I feel the same way you do.I would rather lost cash RM10 than losing my pen knife worth much less.
Btw,may I suggest you post your nice photos at flickr.com. I like this software b'cos you can blog of your photo directly from flickr to blogger,typepad etc.
Pak Adib
he..he..tu la orang suruh keje ko p merayau kat alamanda tu buat hape..
Pak Adib, thanks for dropping by, so honored to have you here. Yes, I now realized I can't really rely on my memory too these days. Need to back it up, with notes, PDA or camera phone etc.
My photos have less artistic value but I'm thinking of Flickr too..
Left or Right??.. confused balik aku..he he...betul2 can't rely on memory ni esp dlm hal2 pengecaman...
Dah order BM bungkus?
sabtu hari cuti...boleh le merayau...isk kamu ni...
ooo..lupe pulak yang mike ni keje gomen...he..he..
Kenyataan yang sering berulang: Kita merasa sayang yang amat sangat cuma apabila sesuatu itu hilang daripada kita. Tapi apabila ada depan mata, yang lain pulak nampak menarik....
Kadang-kadang kita menghargai sesuatu hanya setelah ia tiada, namun ini hanya mendatangkan satu rasa yg sgt tidak menyelesakan. Justeru jika kita hilang sesuatu yg tidak pernah kita hargai, jgn sesekali menyesali kehilangannya.
Nampaknya ada sedikit trafik dari sini ke Kajang.com. Terima kasih le.
Ainuddin Mohamad
Webmaster BestWebsites.com.my, Kajang.com, Jaclyn.com.my, Piano.com.my & Netizens.com.my.
Sama-sama En. Ainuddin. Sgt menarik.
bilakah "nightmare" ini akan berakhir?...lamanya tido..he..he..
Lebihkurang cam Mimpi Yg Tak Sudah le tu... he he
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