Bila ditimpa stress, tertekan... apakah perkara paling mudah yg kita inginkan? Rokok tak masuk kira... Bagi aku, entah mengapa berkunjung ke tempat lama yg satu ini begitu menyenangkan. Tapi aturcara hidup yg agak hectic dan kelamkabut agak sukar utk aku mendapat peluang berbuat demikian. Kali terakhir aku berkunjung ke sini ialah pada Sabtu (9.9.2006) iaitu selepas aku membuat sedikit kerja-kerja di kantor. Masa tu ada waktu terluang sedikit, lantas akupun melencong ke sini, menyusuri jalan-jalan kenangan ......begitu melekat di fikiran, begitu sentimental tempat ini..huh..
Dulu bila dah byk dibiak tak tau nak buat ape pokok ni (dah lupa nama...). Lalu akupun minta diorang tanam pokok ni berderetan di sepanjang jalan ni untuk mengalu-alukan pengunjung yg datang, atau mengiring mereka yg pulang.... duh !....
Bunga jambu laut yg segar ....pokok ni byk di tepi lereng
Pemakanan seimbang juga perlu diberi perhatian dalam menangani masalah stress. Kdg-kdg kita makan ikut dan je....Jalan mudah, ambil supplement tapi kena berdisiplin le. Jgn beli tapi tak makan sampai le expired menatang tu.. hehe..
Anti-stress promo pack?Agak murah tapi memberangsangkan..jadi bersemangat, tak rasa letih dan lapor... (promo nampak..hehe)
indica:gambo yang 1st and 2nd tu ..macam pernah ku lihat oleh mata ..tapi di mana ya...?
ade ke jambu laut..?
Yang fido tahu jambu batu, jambu air, jambu botol..
anti-stress.. ada petua dari fido..tiap pagi minum apple-cider + madu..
You need to study Stress Management. First identify what type of stress, is it Workplace Stress, Relationship Stress, Financial Stress, Traumatic Stress or any kinda stress.... then find ways to overcome them becos different type of stress got different kind of treatment. Mind you that some solutions might overcome a type of stress but may lead to another stress. For example if you have stress at work, you may quit your job, solve the problem, but you might facing a new financial stress, similarly if you have a problem in finance, you may borrow from Along, solve financial problem but you might face a new problem of Traumatic Sleepless Disorder etc. etc
anti -stress yang paling mujarab ialah berwuduk lantas mengerjakan solat sunat atau baca quran...insyaallah.
fido : mcm pernah tengok tempat-tempat tu?? dejavu kot...
budakbudu: yes, stress mgmt course is good for those who easily ngelabah bila ditimpa musibah.. Stress ni ada yg +ve ada yg -ve..aku harap aku tak anti semua stress tu.
pak yob: betul tu pakyob...aku setuju seratus persen..
be happy lahh...dont get stress..
hidup hanya sekali..
Dance like no one is watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like it's heaven on earth.
William Purkey
nak gak tau kat mana beli blackmore tuh..
huhuh.. aku rasa, aku pun dah ada tanda2 stress nih.. hehehe..
fido: mmg itu yg sepatutnya, kena buat happy sokmo....bygkan ada insan lain yg lebih teruk. Kita ni takat stress je, tapi org lain lagi teruk..negara kacau bilau, rumah takde, benda makan tak de..kita ni takat stress kerja je.. jadi kita patut happy dan bersyukur.....
anggeriq: hehe..patut blackmores lantik aku jadi agen ni...aku dulu pun terpengaruh dgn brand ni sbb dorang kata quality bagus..ntahlah..
boleh dapat kat mana2 pharmacy..yg tu aku beli kat Vitacare pharmacy..
ok..terasa keberkesanannya..at least pada aku le. Rasa happy dan semangat nak kerja je...hehe
kalau ada tanda2 stress jauhkan
minuman berkafien, junk-food.
Lebihkan makan veggies, fruits and supplements more of magnesium.
1.Have more fun- do things things that enjoyable
2.Exercise - regular physical exercise
3.Experience love- loving and sexual can be a major stress reducer
4.Get a good sleep: u will recharge the next day. Sleep before 11pm or earlier.
5.Express your feelings: unexpressed emotions are building blocks of stress, pain and illness.
6.Develop relationships: have friends in whom u can find support, can confide.
fido: one more tip...
- visit to Spas once in awhile, if u can't afford it, do visit Mangifera Spa...:)
Spas is good for relaxation...
ur right..!
hehe ;)
just wanna ask u, wats the meaning of 'indica'?
it it a tree or leaf..
Have any of u here, heard of this facts of life jokes:
This is the story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody:
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when Nobody did what Anybody could of done.
fido: hehe...dont worry, 'indica' is just a plant....what's fido anyway?...rafidah from pengkalan pegoh..hehehe
about that joke? I've heard about it...and that's life..
Huhh... bengang... my blog was hacked few hours ago... probably by a fanatic fan (or enemy?)of Crocodile hunter.... or probly becos one of my link....... toying with idea of early retirement.....
thanks.. weekend nih nak carik gak hehehe..
thanks for the tips.. but a day without coffee? walaaaaaaa!!
budakbudu: kena hack camana tu?
early retirement?? life's too short, and u must be joking pal..
anggeriq: elok le tu...cari yg promo pack..murah je. harap tak habis lagi..
budak budu:
wo...kene hack?..kire blog u tuu pasti wanted..!
jangan stress dah le..hehe :)
a plant?..eem..wat type ah..?
fido means feed+o..
so just feed anywhere lahh..
i dont have a blog ...thought of doing one...but time dont persist yet
i might stick here for a while and might go ...
nice knowing all of u here..
Mango plant je..nothing extraordinaire..
Bagusle tu..buat cepat blog, ada tempat nak relax, dan boleh jugak kitorang datang melahu...hehe
i dah kene penyakit yang paling tak de ubat ...MALAS!!
malas nak buat blog, anything email me loh.. :)
stress ada gak diet:
ZINC: found in seafood such as oysters, whole wheat, nuts, seeds, eggs and lean meats,dairy products, include cheese and yogurt.
dark-green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit, figs, sweet corn, raisins, carrots, seeds and nuts
fruits those high in vitamin C including citrus fruit, cabbage and broccoli, strawberries, blackberries and kiwi.
REPLACE BY red grapes or raw honey.
Bee pollen- great supplement to an anti stress diet.
Kalau le para saintis perubatan dapat mencipta ubat Malas tentu ubat tu laris cam goreng pisang panas, ramai umat manusia yg memerlukannya..
Malas ni kalau diikutkan, akan bertambah-tambah le jadi nya cik fido..
Cegah sebelum parah...:)
Teramat lah betulnye..maybe i'll be the slave to the ubat MALAS :)
Now penyakit MALAS i dah di paras BAHAYA!!
After been thinking, maybe u pun malas gak..malas nak bukak email ..?
1.Physical stress:
exercise, hard labor, birth
2.Chemical stress:
environmental pollution example exposure to pesticides and cleaning solvents, personal use of chemicals, such as drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine
3.Mental stress:
high responsibility,long hours, perfectionism,anxiety and worry
4.Emotional stress:
anger,fear,frustration,sadness, betrayal,bereavement
5.Nutritional stress:
vitamin and mineral deficiencies, protein or fat excesses or deficiencies, food allergies
6.Traumatic stress:
infection, injury, burns, surgery, extreme temperatures
7.Psycho-spiritual stress:
relationship, financial or career pressures; issues of life goals, spiritual alignment, and state of happiness
Mangifera indica also good as anti stress Supplement. Fido tu rambut tegak (Macam iklan 7up tu) sebab stress lah tu kot...? lah... dah jadi chat room lah pulak kat sini, maaf yop....
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