Pagi minggu ini aku ke gombak. Singgah sat di old town kopitiam utk bersarap. Sbb pepagi sangat, aku mudah dpt tempat duduk .....kalau mentari dah tinggi, terpaksa berQ dsbnya aku takkan singgah. Bukan makan apa sgt, aku cuma pesan 2 telur omega setengah masak, kaya butter toast. Whitecoffee nya ngetop tapi aku lebih biasa dgn kopi O. Sedang aku makan, satu family dtg duduk di meja betul2 belakang aku..tapi bila family tu beralih tempat duduk betul2 menghadap aku...rupanya puan T dgn familynya. Dia masih perasan aku serta tegur dan tanya khabar dsbnya. Segan jugak aku dgn dia yg sememangnya memiliki PR bagus. Dia dah lama meninggalkan organisasiku dan kini berkhidmat di OUM.

Untuk World Cup 2006 ni, bab teka-meneka aku suka jugak...walaupun jarang yg, utk suku akhir.....aku teka dan susun spt kat bawah ni. hehehe.......

p/s: ketika entri ditulis, England vs Equador.....masih 0-0.
Half boiled eggs are back in high fashion as people flock into kopitiams to have toasted bread with butter and kaya, half boiled eggs and a cup of coffee. Some figures you might be interested in i.e Whole Egg : Cholesterol 187mg (medium size), Butter:Cholesterol 33mg (1 tablespoon) Omega Eggs MAY contain Omega3, but the Cholestrol is still there. (But who cares, half boiled egg is also my favourite)
If we are healthy, it is recommended that we limit our dietary cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams (mg) a day. So, for that day you still have a limit of 80mg to take. (A small size prawn will exceed that!)
As for your World Cup prediction, I fully agreed with it, and for the ????? It is Germany!
Yes, half boiled egg is my favorite too, esp telur ayam kampong..I still remember the bfast we had when we visited your house in Budu long time ago..I forgot the bfast main dish ..was it nasi goreng or nasi lemak?..but the half-boiled eggs we had are still there in my memory..they tasted so good.
Well..for the WC, I cant wait for the final curtain. Viva Espania... hehe
if England fail then, Spain will go on as a champion.
hopefully both will survive in the quarter-final..
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