From my point of view, learning a language is a very interesting thing to do. Anyway, we cannot learn it just like we do in mathematics, or other subjects in school. We have to really immerse ourselves in that particular language that is we have to really think in it, and constantly applying it in everyday life. But it can be a hard thing to do when we're not surrounded by the need of using it. It really needs such an inducive environment in order for us to keep talking or writing in it. Anyhow, the least we could do is to think in it. Or listening to lyrics in songs and observing the actors' dialogues in movies . In an environment such as ours, we can be lucky enough if we have colleagues who are willing to get wet and immersed themselves with us in that language. And it's very unfortunate to have friends who keep teasing and laughing the way we use the language.. this can be a very demotivating factor indeed but we need to have great courages to survive, otherwise we would get drowned.
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