Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Guess all of us have experienced of being tired in the process of learning something..for example, once upon a time I used to love painting. Be it water colour, oil, pastel or cryon they really fascinated me..maybe I like to imagine something that really touched me. and I must admit i like to see beautiful things. Anyhow, the

Monday, May 12, 2003

From my point of view, learning a language is a very interesting thing to do. Anyway, we cannot learn it just like we do in mathematics, or other subjects in school. We have to really immerse ourselves in that particular language that is we have to really think in it, and constantly applying it in everyday life. But it can be a hard thing to do when we're not surrounded by the need of using it. It really needs such an inducive environment in order for us to keep talking or writing in it. Anyhow, the least we could do is to think in it. Or listening to lyrics in songs and observing the actors' dialogues in movies . In an environment such as ours, we can be lucky enough if we have colleagues who are willing to get wet and immersed themselves with us in that language. And it's very unfortunate to have friends who keep teasing and laughing the way we use the language.. this can be a very demotivating factor indeed but we need to have great courages to survive, otherwise we would get drowned.
monday,12 Mei 2003.
ISO9001:2003..preparing for business mapping process. To condense it as condensed milk, kata cik Fawziah.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

nothing new, just to see if this still around..

Thursday, April 03, 2003

bored and exhausted..got to motivate myself

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

everything's gonna be fine.

Monday, February 24, 2003

early morning to work arrived around 7.20 and had a simple breakfast. Still havent finished the assignment. anyway, tomorrow's the dateline. Feel relax a little bit.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Sometimes I feel I want to go back to my old post..bila boring2 boleh lepak kat luar ofis ambil udara nyaman..atas bukit, magnificient surrounding with beautiful landscape. Dulu pernah dikategorikan sebagai tourist spot,..seronok jugak layan lawatan2..yg banyak pelajar sekolah ler, lepas tu pernah jugak entertain students dari holland. Dulu kalau boring kat bilik boleh pi ronda2..glass houses ke, kebun ke atau labs ke tengok diorang buat kerja. Tak de siapa cari..sebab dulu aku ler boss kat tempat tu, hehe.. La ni kerja full-time admin banyak betul orang cari aku..nak pi bilik air pun tak sempat. rasa macam nak semput. Dulu keliling aku tumbuh-tumbuhan, la ni di keliling buku-buku pulak..sebab kerja Library. Bulan 3 ni genap setahun aku tinggalkan tempat kerja lama..dan selama itu jugak, aku tak dapat nak jenguk2 staff2 lama aku, walaupun kerja satu organisasi, bayangkan..kesian jugak,.aku ingat nanti nak spend satu hari bercuti utk lepak2 kat tempat kerja lama. Dapat merapu ni semua pun pun masa kat rumah to release tensions.

Friday, February 21, 2003

What a boring day..so many things to do and yet so little time.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

having workshop at Esset today and for the next two days

Friday, February 14, 2003

ohh..forgot to tell..got birthday wish in early morning,what a nice thought from niece, boss and colleagues.
Feeling a bit exhausted after some discussions with colleagues. Dropped by at a music shop, bought a CD ..sonata musim salju ..Hazami..who? not bad.Reached home around 7pm.